Please do not expect a structure to this writing as it is a glimpse from my inward it, and discard it….
All of us are complete from the moment we are without form and now “in form”. Until we picked up the skill of language, we were complete. It is only when we learnt new words, instead of uplifting us, we most times choose to use the wrong set of words to put us down. Ever wondered, what the world will be “with-out” and “with-in” language?
Most of the cosmic secrets are hidden within us, yet we search for miracles outside us. The word “miracles” is very interesting and intriguing at the same time. Interesting, because it lights us up and intriguing because it baffles the scientific and rational mind.
Well, most of us who are learned, educated possess this scientific mind and may find it difficult to keep life simple and easy flowing like the birds and the animals and the fishes do. They are in the moment and we are neither here nor there. I mean, we are either in the past or in the future. Very few of us are in the present, the NOW.
These days, I wake up at 3 am and for strange reason, I find the serendipity serene and serene. In those moments of Ecstasy of meditation, which my dear friend Roland Sullivan often mentions, I lose myself, my identity and my body. I often ask this question to my scientific mind “Am i going nuts”? and an emphatic “yes” comes the answer. Well, the truth is that this ecstasy is beyond words, beyond anything that the material world can offer me. It is a “peace” which is warm yet alive. It wraps you up just as you would on a frosty winter night snug yourself in a blanket and not want to get out of it. I feel the same.
At last, I know there is perfect order in the human perceived “chaos” if I may borrow from language, that I witness around me. The closest this can be described comes from the world of mathematics, because mathematics is #Nature in action.
In my dreams, I have travelled a thousand lands and fought with many. Some dreams are etched in memory as if they happened a few minutes ago. Let me share with you one which takes me to a land full of caves and monasteries. In one such monastery, I am caretaker and die a death for protecting the people, the deity and the sanctity of the monastery itself. This is etched in me so perfectly, I am convinced, I have travelled to one of my past lives.
Sitting in ecstasy, I watch the Shiv Tandav and as if the divine speaks, I am offered a deep insight. The insight is of the shifting of critical mass of people towards “light”. You may call it by any name. People start moving towards this light and one particular stage, there is a pull into a vortex of light of all these people. I do not know physics and whatever, little i can claim to know is thanks to movies and friends.
I flow and flow in ecstasy leaving little to the logical mind of mine to think. Everything is in perfect order, waiting to emerge and play its part, and then disappear into “nothingness”
To this I surrender…………………
- #SJ
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