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Words heal….Words hurt…Words build…Words kill…Words construct…Words destruct…words are guns….words are roses…words are feelings…words are intelligence…words make friends…words bring enemies…words are leadership…words are culture blocks…words create images…words build nations…words make sentences…sentences build paragraphs…paragraphs build speeches…essays..poetry…stories…words create communities…societies…..

  • Do we ever admire these wonder called “words”?
  • Do we ever really exercise choice on our “words”?
  • Are we fully aware of the power each “word” holds in its womb?
  • Can we experience the deep silence in these “words”?
  • What about experiencing this “deep silence” every single day?
  • How about experiencing silent communication?

Keen as I am to experiment and gather data, here is an experiment I invite you to undertake as an organization/department/team/ as a fellow human being :

Observing a “Deep Silence Day/Hour” in building Organization Culture?

Step 1:

  1. “Deep Silence Day or Hour” will involve no communication verbal/by mail/mobile.
  2. It will involve being in the “here and now” in whatever spaces you hold and just being.
  3. You may choose to communicate silently using your eyes only. (for beginners)

Step 2:

Create a “sandbox” of all that you have observed in the “Deep Silence” day or hour

Step 3:

Look for “emerging patterns” by plotting the thoughts from the sandbox you just created

Step 4:

Utilize the emerging patterns in developing the organization culture.

Step 5:

Repeat steps 1,2, 3 & 4

On a side note, how about observing a “Global Deep Silence Day” where every man-made invention from machines to mobiles are put on “silent” to …. experience the deep silence the Earth exudes in its various forms?

About the author:

Santosh N Jois, Founder, TransformAction, believes in the “Self” as an instrument of change, the driving force behind “TransformAction”. The key philosophy underlying this is simple yet profound viz. *E + R = O where

E: Event ; R: Response & O: Outcome

(*E+R=O is taken from “The Success Principle” by Jack Canfield)

TransformAction works in designing “Mental Spaces” and crafting “Eco-systems of Planned growth” at 3 levels:

1) Individual ; 2) Teams ; 3) Organizations

Santosh has done his formal studies in OD from ISABS. He is trained in the theory and practice of leadership development, Executive Coaching, NLP, Six Sigma and Malcolm Baldridge equivalent model of IMCRBNQA in India and comes with a solid understanding of diversity and inclusion, having worked in London, Hong Kong and attended a scholarship program in Japan.

He is also an associate OD practitioner with Sullivan Transformation Agents ( and brings Whole System Transformation (WST) to Indian organizations. You can reach him on  for more information.

– #SJ