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#Brexit verdict is writing a new chapter in history. The turmoil is evident, hence we will let it unfold as it is unfolding, without giving any labels to it.

Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher, watching this will say “There is nothing permanent but change.” By that he meant that everything is always in flux.

It is easier to get dragged into a political debate as #Bregret gains momentum. Without getting into one, it is interesting to observe the impact of #leadership, #self-awareness, and #ego, give rise to a power struggle that is reshaping the social construct on the global map of mankind. We are not getting into right or wrong here.

Has history witnessed such a turmoil before? The answer is “YES”. However, the difference now is “technology, pace of information sharing” and its resultant effects on everything from stock markets, credit ratings, trade and coffee table conversations.

Technology and Information, is rewriting #social construction, of human beings and society. We are constantly getting challenged, bombarded and punctured, if I may say so. To recall Thomas theorem,

The Thomas theorem is a theory of sociology which was formulated in 1928 by W. I. Thomas and D. S. Thomas (1899–1977): “ If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences. ” In other words, the interpretation of a situation causes the action.

Here are just 3 questions for reflection, dialogue and action research:

1) #Listening to conversations in the #Here and Now, as facilitators, what are your process observations?

2) What are the coping methods that can be designed & created to deal with such #unplanned change and its resultant impact on the well-being of the individual, families and society?

3) From amongst the various models available in the field of Organization Development (OD), if you were to choose one model to view this situation, which model will you choose and why?

More questions are welcome.

About the author:

Santosh N Jois, Founder, TransformAction, believes in the “Self” as an instrument of change, the driving force behind “TransformAction”. The key philosophy underlying this is simple yet profound viz. *E + R = O where

E: Event ; R: Response & O: Outcome

(*E+R=O is taken from “The Success Principle” by Jack Canfield)

TransformAction works in designing “Mental Spaces” and crafting “Eco-systems of Planned growth” at 3 levels:

1) Individual ; 2) Teams ; 3) Organizations

Santosh has done his formal studies in OD from ISABS. He is trained in the theory and practice of leadership development, Executive Coaching, NLP, Six Sigma and Malcolm Baldridge equivalent model of IMCRBNQA in India and comes with a solid understanding of diversity and inclusion, having worked in London, Hong Kong and attended a scholarship program in Japan.

He is also an associate OD practitioner with Sullivan Transformation Agents ( and brings Whole System Transformation (WST) to Indian organizations. You can reach him on  for more information.

– #SJ