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Mumbai, wakes up to unseasonal rains,

She wonders and shudders too

Is that a blessing, she pauses and asks? Or

Is that a sign from the Gods to stop taking #Nature for granted?


She looks around the city, to see

People looking at the sky with joy and fear

Joy at the cool gentle kiss of the breeze

Fear of what these signs foretell


She looks outside the city, to find

Lands parched and exploited by human apathy

Human apathy for the greed of the created world,

Violating boundaries of the same human apathy

In search of #Water


She cries and lift her arms in prayer

To the Gods of heaven, #forgiveness she seeks

For her children,she so gladly nurtures in her arms

For you and me, and for the entire human race

Her motherly love every overflowing and patient

Hoping just like the prodigal son,

You and me, the entire political fraternity and the aam janta

Will one day return and restore her eternal beauty,

She manifests in the forests and rivers,

The mountains and the streams,

The birds and the insects,

As well the big and small animals alike

And amidst these entire manifestations

Rest her most prized creation,

Yes, you guessed it right,

It’s you and me


She asks us, but one question as she goes about sauntering,

With the winds and the trees,

How can this #Mother still be relevant in your #growth story?

O Modern Man

– #SJ